Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The story of the miracle letter received by Seviah Cunningham Egbert on her pioneer trek.

 Robert Egbert and Seviah Cunningham: 

Here is an interesting post from one of my second cousins: James McDonald about our shared great great grandparents


Seviah Cunningham Egbert

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Another History of the McGee Family from Elwood, an older brother of Ross McGee.



Family Search [KWZL-4M1]  written in 1962.  He died in 1968 at age 90

I began my schooling at the age of 6. I well remember my teacher, Wallis Smith. In those days we had to learn the ABC's. This teacher would take us on his lap and have me say them after him. I continued my schooling under different teachers until I was 12 years old.

 In September of 1890, the family moved to the Cherokee Nation---Now Oklahoma. The reason for this move was because we had Indian blood, so we went there to establish our rights----to get what rightfully belonged to us. When the Cherokee tribe was moved by the Government from the Indian territory, the McGee's as well as many others did not go with the tribe. After arriving there we rented some land and engaged in farming. Later we helped ourselves to some good land and built us a house. In the meantime we had proven our Indian blood, then for 7 years we were in a law suit, but during all of this time, we continued to improve our farm and raised cattle, hoping the law suit would win and become thoroughly established. During this time we continued our schooling, such as it was, for only 3 months out of the year. 

Many of the people were very antagonistic towards us, calling us intruders, taking possession of things that did not belong to us. This would often be thrown up to us in school, which we boys did not like. It would sometimes have to be settled with a fight, which of course did not help matters any. 

The McGee's were finally defeated in the courts, so we had to give up our home. If it had not been for a good few friends, we would of lost everything. They bought our cattle and hogs. 

About this time some Mormon Elders came into our district and taught us the true gospel in which we accepted. This of course did not make it any better for us as far as the people were concerned. In their eyes we were not only intruders, but we were horrible Mormons.

 This calls to mind a circumstance that happened while I was working on a thrashing machine. A few other men and myself were sitting under the wagons which were loaded with wheat bundles. We were waiting our turn at the thrashers. One man made a slurring remark about me joining the Mormon Church. Of course my Irish blood just boiled, but before I said anything, one of the friends jumped up and said: " I don't give a **** if Elwood did join the Mormon Church, he is still my friend and I am a friend to him." Nothing more was said, so I didn't have to say anything or give him a licking either. At that time I did not know anything about turning the other cheek. This was in the Summer of 1899.

 During this time we were busy making plans for our move Westward and settle somewhere among the Latter-Day-Saints. Just where, we were not fully decided. We had 2 places in view: Old Mexico or Fruitland, New Mexico. After disposing of our personal property as best we could, we bid farewell to the Indian territory. This was in September.

In this company besides us were: my uncle William McGee, his wife and son, Thomas and his wife; also Mr. Hildebran and family, who was the father-in-law of Thomas McGee. The company consisted of 4 wagons, 1 buggy and 1 hack. We were the only ones belonging to the Mormon Church. 

We all agreed before leaving, that we would not travel on Sunday, so every Saturday at noon we would make camp until Monday morning, then continue on our way toward the setting sun. We all enjoyed our travels very much, as we were seeing new things every day. Our family and the Hildebrans were made up with a lot of young people, which made it very pleasant for us youngsters. My father was 41 years old, but we thought he was quite old.

 We all had good health during the entire journey. No tragedies of any kind, nor ill feelings among any of the company. One of the Mormon Elders that labored in the Indian territory and that had stayed in our home had also confirmed me a member of the Church lived in Manassa, Colorado. He made a special request for us to visit with his family---which we agreed to do. We found them to be a very nice family and they treated us very kindly. 

I will state again that we would make camp on Saturday at noon, but this time we told the rest of the company that we would drive into Manassa, Colorado. It was farther than we thought, so we did not get there until Sunday. They were having Stake Conference. Apostle Heber J. Grant was there. This is the first Apostle I have ever seen. We attended the 2:00 P.M. session. During his discourse, Brother Grant talked about some of his business dealings. He said that someone had asked him how he was getting along with his obligations, as he was very heavily in debt. He told this party that he was getting his debts where he could handle them all right, as he now only owed 80 thousand dollars. I thought that was a terrible debt to owe up to this time. We had never been in debt at all. 

Sunday night we stayed with the Boise family. We did not know when we left our camp Saturday at noon that we would not all travel together again. When we left Manassa, Colorado, we took the wrong road. Instead of going to Antonito, Colorado, we went further South. 

When we got to the Continental Divide it was Sunday. Fearing that we would get into a snow storm, we again broke the rule. Before crossing the Divide we got a good supply of feed for our teams but didn't get very much food for ourselves thinking of course we had plenty to carry us to the next place.

 Again we got on the wrong road and finally ran out of food entirely. I will here state, we had long given up going to old Mexico and had decided to go to Fruitland, New Mexico instead. It being almost sundown we made camp. You can imagine how we felt in a canyon and no road. 

On looking across the canyon we saw a group of men and horses so Ulysses and I got on our saddle horses and started over where these men were. As we got closer to them we could see that they were Indians with painted faces. The leader of the gang came alone to where we were as close to us as there was a big wash between us. He could talk good English. He said that they were on the war path with the Mexican people as they were intruding on their land and as they saw us they were coming over. We told him that we were moving through the country and was lost as we had some way missed the right road. He told us if we were to cross the country to the North of us we would get on the right road.

I have thought many times since how easy we could have been killed, if Ulysses and I had not gone over to them - that might have happened. The next morning we started across the country and traveled until noon. We found no road so we decided to backtrack and get back to where we had camped the night before. You can imagine how we felt. The Indians had told us the truth about the road, but we were just afraid to go on any farther, without any road to travel on. So here we were, having gained nothing. Our teams were very tired as we had traveled all day over very soft ground - making our own road. We were here in a narrow canyon with no road to lead us on. 

We were nearly out of our food supply so we had to ration ourselves. The younger children seemed to understand our situation, so they too would eat very little. We had no idea where and when we would be able to get any more supplies for ourselves and also our teams. However, our teams were not in as bad a situation as we were. We went to bed feeling very discouraged and lonely. 

Up to this time we had not formed the habit of family prayer. Just new in the church, we had a lot to learn. Although I don't doubt but what the most of us would offer up a secret prayer now and then. I think that most people do during their lives and thank the Lord for their blessings. 

At this time if anyone needed help we sure did. That night as I lay in my bed before going to sleep, I prayed very earnestly that it might be opened up for us to know how and where to go. That night I had a dream (or vision), you may call it what you will. In that dream I saw a light wagon go down the canyon. It was so real that I got up just as soon as it began to get daylight and walked out to the place where I saw the wagon, or hack as they were called, and I saw the tracks this vehicle had made. It was just as plain as could be as though it had just been made. I told the folks after they got up what I had seen and for proof I showed them the tracks. 

So after breakfast (that is what it was after a fashion - not much - but it tasted mighty good), we started on our way, following the tracks. We had to cross some deep gullies and would have to take our pick and shovel and fill the gullies up so we could cross them. The tracks of the dream-wagon was there and had crossed without fill these washes up.

 On we went and finally came to a road or at least we could call it a road that had not been traveled very much. To our great joy we came up to a Mexican sheep camp. After telling him of our troubles and of being almost out of food, he gave us what he could spare - which we were thankful for. He told us to keep on going down this canyon, that it would take us to the Large Canyon. It would take us to the San Juan Basin. 

So on we went feeling much relieved but we still had to keep on our rations as it was a long way to go before reaching the river - and water was another problem. One day as we stopped for noon, we dug a hole in the wash and got some water so Mother made us some biscuits from the flour the Mexican had given us. The water was everything but clear but my those biscuits were good.

 We finally got to the river so Ulysses and I got on saddle horses and crossed the San Juan river and went over to a store. We told the family that had the store our situation - that we were hungry and had been going on rations for several days. That we had run out of money, we had no change - only a government check. They let us have what we wanted and needed. Just before leaving, this man's wife said "I have a lot of cookies I would like to give you if you won't be insulted." I said, "Do you think you could insult a hungry person by giving them something good to eat such as cookies?"

 When we got back to camp we began to prepare a real supper. We peeled a lot of potatoes, and I mean a lot, and put them on to boil. Mother made a lot of good biscuits. After everything was done, we began dishing out the potatoes, meat, and biscuits for a real good supper. 

To our surprise we could not eat the potatoes. Somehow in getting everything ready for a real good meal the bar of soap that Mother had been using got mixed in with the potatoes. The potatoes were clean but not edible. We had to prepare another supply of spuds (as they call them in the West). We always called them Irish potatoes. We finally got a real supper and how we did enjoy it. We went to bed with our appetites really satisfied. 

The next morning we crossed the San Juan river and went back to the store and pawned a gun (22 caliber) as they could not cash our check for more supplies. We then headed down the river for Fruitland, New Mexico. We arrived there on Saturday, November 18, 1899. We thought of all places - this was it. We did not feel like saying as Brigham Young "This is the place - STOP!" We felt like saying, "Drive on", and if our teams had been in shape we would have done just that. We had been on the road for 62 days (with two very hard weeks). Our team was all in, so here we were and would have to make the best of it whether we liked it or not. 

We went down to the San Juan river and made camp. One of our horses died during the night. Sunday morning some of us went to Sunday School. Not knowing anyone, we were strangers in a strange place. 

We found a small house which we moved into for the Winter. I went to work for Bishop Ashcroft for $15.00 a month. I worked for him all winter and part of the summer. After I quit working for Bishop Ashcroft I worked for a man by the name of Stephens for a while. I bought me a cow from him as pay for my work and from that one I soon had several head of cattle.

 We later purchased a farm of 160 acres for $4000,00. That was a lot of money in those days. 80 acres of the land was in alfalfa-hay. As there were 6 boys in the family, we didn't have to hire any help. We would put up 200 tons of hay each year. The price of hay at this time was $5.00 per ton or $10.00 hauled and delivered to Farmington, New Mexico. We also had a lot of fruit, which we would haul to Durango, Colorado and other places to market. Fruit was also very cheap as well as everything else we had to sell. By being conservative, we managed to meet our payments on the farm and meet our obligations. The people in the valley were all poor in those days, just existing, and making the best of everything. 

This was in the wagon and buggy days. Mostly wagon. A lot of people wanted us to haul their produce to Gallup, New Mexico. It took from 8 to 12 days for the trip, and sometimes we hardly made enough to pay expenses. 

In those days we had to make our own amusements, such as dances and plays. We would put on some home talent, which was very good, and was enjoyed by all. I had the privilege of being in a lot of those plays. The second Winter we were there, Ulysses, Henry and I went to school in Fruitland, New Mexico. We had rented a small house in Fruitland, New Mexico and stayed there during the week (going home Friday Evening and back Sunday).

 Harvey Tanner was our teacher. We all liked him very much, although he didn't belong to the LDS Church. Our school was held in the ward meeting house. It was also used for all our entertainments, such as plays and dances. Apostle Brigham Young and Brother Cowdrey would come very often to our quarterly conferences as Brother Young had a wife living in Fruitland. We had some wonderful conferences in that small Church house. 

In the Spring of 1902, a family by the name of Hunt moved into the valley and purchased a farm in the Jewett Valley about 6 miles from Fruitland. Brother William James and Sister Elise Schmutz Hunt, like the McGee's, had a large family. One of the girls (Celia Hunt) in the family, and I, well, I became very much interested in her welfare. We began to keep company, which resulted in marriage on October 11, 1904, in the Salt Lake Temple.

[Ross McGee married her sister Irene Hunt in 1907 in the St George Temple]

 Celia was a very beautiful girl, or at least I thought so, and winning her over was not too easy a job, as I had to get rid of several suitors, who thought I was hunting out of Season. From this marriage came 10 noble children, seven boys and three girls, all living except our youngest, Lawrence. We lost him at the age of 14.

I want to pay tribute to my noble wife. She has been a wonderful wife to me and I want to say to all of my boys and girls that you have been blessed with one of God's elect to be your mother. She has been very devoted to her family. Not only to her family, but true to God and the Church, always doing good to someone, even doing good for evil. We stayed in Fruitland, New Mexico for 3 years after we were married. 

In the Summer of 1907, we sold everything and went by train to LaGrande, Oregon. That being a great fruit country, I worked in the fruit (mostly apples). I would pack them in the box cars ready for shipment to many places. Later I went to work for the Sugar Company, as they had a factory there. I worked in the beet fields and never did have to work in the factory, always on the outside.

 I should have said that when we left Fruitland, New Mexico, all of the McGee's left and they all came to LaGrande. My father and some of the rest, worked in the factory. After staying there for 2 years, we all went into Idaho (Nampa). There we McGee boys went into the contracting business of clearing and plowing sage brush land. We would complete the job for $7.00 per acre. 

After working at that for sometime, we sold out and moved to Oakley, Idaho, and went into the movie-picture business. We stayed there for awhile, then sold out and moved to Richfield, Utah and went into the picture business there. This was not a very good paying business. 

I finally sold out my interest and went to work for Mr. Stillman on a large farm. I worked for him for 2 years. Then we moved to Springdale, Utah. My father and mother, James Grover (my brother) and his wife went with us. My brother, Ross and his family had moved there a little sooner. This was in the Fall of 1916. 

About a year later, my brother, Henry and family, also moved to Springdale, Utah. By that time there were quite a number of McGee's there. We boys helped to build the road into Zions National Park. 

We left Springdale, Utah and went to Harrisburg, Utah and rented some land from Joseph Lee. After staying there for a little over 1 year we moved back to Kirtland, New Mexico after an absence of thirteen years. We bought a home from Elmer F. Taylor which consisted of a home and ten acres of land. We gave him $1800.00, paying $500.00 down and the balance on time, which ran on for a number of years as we had a large family to provide for.

 We loved our home in New Mexico. It was here that I began my church activities. I was ordained a Deacon and set apart as president of the quorum. Later I was ordained a Teacher and labored as a Ward Teacher. Later on I was ordained to the office of Priest. I was ordained an Elder on the same day as we were married on October 11, 1904 by W. W. Writer. 

In the Spring of 1905, we rented a farm from Larkin Beck. It was located at the head of what we called "lovers lane". It was here that our first child was born, Harvey Leo. The next year we rented a farm from the same man. This is now known as the AL FOUTZ ranch. 

Oh yes, while we were in Nampa, Idaho, it was under the Western States Mission, at that time presided over by Melvin J. Ballard. He later became one of the council of the Twelve. 

In the Spring of 1920, we were settled in Kirtland and I had many opportunities to serve in the church. I was called to preside over the young Mens Improvement Association, which position I held for 10 years. I was released from this position and called to preside over the Sunday School. I held the position for 4 years. I was then called into the Stake Sunday School as a counselor. After being released from this I was called into the High Counsel of the Young Stake. I held this position for 12 years and served under 3 stake Presidents namely Elmer F. Taylor, Roy B. Burnham, and Willard C. Stolworthy. After being released from this position I was called and set apart as President of the High Priest Quorum of the Young Stake. 

After serving in this position for 4 1/2 years Celia and I were called by President Stolworthy as guides on the Mesa, Arizona Temple grounds. This was in 1952. On December 7, 1953, we were called as ordinance workers in the Temple. We were still guides on the grounds too. I was released as a guide after 8 years. Celia was released 1 year prior. I am still carrying on in the Temple and will until my release if my health will permit. I have enjoyed each of my callings to the fullest. I will be 84 on October 1, 1962. THE END


Thursday, June 1, 2023

 Alpheus Gifford is one of my 3rd great grandfathers.  This video clip is a reenactment of a talk by Brigham Young where he talks about hearing the Testimony of the Gospel from humble followers of Christ before Brigham Young joined the church. And this is a picture from the video showing someone who might represent Alpheus Gifford. He was a Methodist minister in Pennsylvania who joined the church and then shared with people from his congregation.  Eleazer Miller was a member of his congregation and later LDS branch. The talk was given in Salt lake City in the 1850's but the testimony was heard in Columbia Pennsylvania in January1832.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Gifford Chairs

 Samuel Kendall Gifford was an apprentice for Edwin Whiting [KWJW-7B9] in the Nauvoo area where he learned to make chairs. Edwin Whiting was also the local branch president who performed the wedding of Samuel to Lora Ann Demille in 1848. She was a granddaughter of Joseph Knight. They initially pioneered in Manti Utah in 1851. By 1865 they moved to Rockville in Southern Utah  and later to Springdale which is surrounded by Zion National Park.

He continued to make chairs and taught some of his sons the same skill. There were some complaints about the quantity and quality of wood available for them to work with. Recently I met via Family Search a third cousin of mine (another 2nd great grandson of Samuel Kendall Gifford) by the name of Bill Fairbanks.  He owns two of the Gifford chairs and today sent me photographs of the chairs. 

Very intriguing ropework.  I think I'll try to match that weaving.  Should be a fun project.

Update from Bill Fairbanks: "The rope weave was done by my father [Merwin Gifford Fairbanks KWC8-L1X]  in the same pattern as the old leather stringing that was taken off of the chairs. He stripped the layers of paint and put the rope weave seat on in the late 1950s.
[The chairs] are mine. I understood that they actually came across the plains."

Friday, December 4, 2020

Ross McGee: The rest of the Story


The Ross McGee Family Story: Installment 5

(In the words of Myrna McGee Smith) 

After the war was over Ward and Irene [Despain] moved to Granite while he attended school at the University of Utah. They later moved to Coalville where Ward was Principal and teacher at the North Summit LDS Seminary. After leaving Coalville,  Ward was Coordinator of Seminaries in Southeastern Utah at Price, Utah and then Coordinator of Indian Seminaries in Provo, Utah. Later they lived in Pullman, Washington where Ward received his doctorate degree.  Then to St George, Utah where he was Director and teacher at the LDS Institute at Dixie College. They had many church callings from Bishopric, High Priest Group Leadership, teaching opportunities for both of them. Prior to his retirement they went to Hilo,Hawaii at the LDS Institute for four years. It was an enjoyable experience for them. Since that time Ward and Irene have served at the St George Temple.                               

Ward and Irene are the parents of three children. Mary Ann, Steven and David.

School began for the family of Ross and Elsie McGee during that year of 1943 in American Fork, Utah.  Lloyd, LaRaine and Colleen were at the American Fork High School and Leola and Myrna at the Harrington Elementary. 

 Lloyd and LaRaine both had jobs very quickly after we moved to American Fork. They worked for Bob Crookston hauling hay and later LaRaine worked for Mutual Creamery which was later called Arden Dairy.

 It was an adjustment especially for Myrna after attending a school in Granite with three grades in one room to a school in American Fork that seemed so large and overwhelming to her.  She was in Miss Rasmussen's class (who was very stern and irritable) She went to school with Leola and wanted to stay with her, but she couldn't go in her class so she left the school and walked home and told Ross that she wasn't going again.  He very patiently told her that she had to go to school and he would take her.  The next day she would go to school and then end up going home again and each time Ross would take her back to school.

Then she told the teacher she was sick so she would spend time in the sick room until the door got locked and she couldn't get out and she screamed out the window for someone to let her out.  After that she decided she would have to go to class and finally seemed to adjust.

The next year in the fourth grade she did much better because she had Mrs. Hill for her teacher who really gave her special love and attention that she needed and she like school after that. 

Solon was married to Louise Christiansen, a daughter of Henry Oscar and Eloise Christiansen on November 14, 1943 in Salt Lake City. On May 12, 1944 they were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. They are the parents of six children: Diana, Kathleen, Michael, David, Melody and Rosemary. Solon died on October 4, 1983 and was buried in Kearns, Utah.

Ross didn't work at Geneva Steel very long because of his age he had to quit and find other work. In 1944 he was working for Walker Construction as a night watchman near American Fork Canyon. Walkers Construction was putting in a big pipe line and had been filling in the trench over the pipe by taking one of the construction roads and pushing the dirt from it as a fill.  We had heard that there was a big fire up the canyon so Lloyd and LaRaine drove up to make sure that Ross was alright. As they drove along in LaRaine’s Model A the dirt road  came to a an abrupt halt and the road dropped 10 feet.  Lloyd’s head hit the rear view mirrow necessitating several stitches in his forehead.  He woke up the next morning in the hospital with a sore knee which resulted when his knee put a dent in the area of the car under the dashboard.

After living in American Fork for a time Ross became active in the 4th Ward where he became close friends of those in the High Priest Group and enjoyed their friendship.  Elsie became involved in genealogy and family records and they began attending the temple very often.

After working at different jobs Ross began selling McNess Products and worked at this for sometime until his health didn’t permit him to do very much.

Lloyd worked at Geneva Steel for a time when he was a senior in High School working the swing shift for six months. He graduated from American Fork High School in 1945 and the following  month was drafted into the Army.  His basic training was at Camp Roberts, California. He later signed up for three years in the regular army joining the Corps of Engineers. In January 1946 he was sent to Germany where he was with an engineering company and was assigned to guard the war prisoners.

LaRaine graduated from American Fork High School in 1946.  He stayed with Ward and Irene for a time when he worked for Al Despain on his farm. Later he lived in Salt Lake with a friend Paul Hansen. After Lloyd returned from the service he also lived with LaRaine and Paul. LaRaine eventually had his own business in construction and under ground telephone lines.

On November 16, 1949 LaRaine married Dolly June McCandless, a daughter of Gene and Hazel Green McCandless  in the Salt Lake Temple.  They made their home in Salt Lake City where LaRaine continued with his construction business.

 LaRaine was active in the Scouting Program in their Salt Lake City Ward for about fifteen years, which he enjoyed very much.

 He and Dolly have enjoyed all of their antique cars which he started getting even when he was still in High School and through the years. They have enjoyed traveling with a group of friends driving the antique cars on many trips.

 LaRaine and Dolly are the parents of four children: Susan, Gary, Kenneth and Kerry.

 Colleen graduated from American Fork High School in 1948. After her graduation  she was employed at the Mt States Telephone Co. She worked in American Fork and later was transferred to the Telephone Co in Salt Lake City where she lived with a group of girls.

 On January 17, 1952 Lloyd married Marna Ruth Maynes, a daughter of John Alexander and Sarah Louretta Despain Maynes.  Marna was a cousin of Ward Despain and a sister of Fred and Colleen Maynes. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple. 

 They lived in Salt Lake City where he was going to school at the University of Utah. They later moved to Wilmington, Delaware for Dupont Co. as a Research Chemist. In 1959 they returned to Utah where Lloyd worked at Thiokol in Brigham City until his retirement.

 Lloyd and Marna are the parents of eight children: Larry, Karen, James, Linda, John, Robert, Patricia and Heidi.

Lloyd and Marna have served in various callings in the church over the years, Lloyd serving in the Bishopric and High Priest Group Leadership. Marna has enjoyed serving in many teaching and other callings.  Since his retirement he and Marna have served in the Ogden Temple and at St Louis, Missouri serving a Temple Mission during 1998-99.

Leola attended American Fork High School through her Jr year and then moved to Coalville, Utah to live with Ward and Irene during her Sr year and graduated from North Summit High School in Coalville.

Leola married Roger Ball, son of William Alton and Mary Rogers Ball, on April 17, 1953 and lived in Salt Lake City for a number of years and then moved to Pleasanton, Calif. They are the parents of three children, Connie, Mary and Diane. She worked in banking while she was there. Roger and Leola were later divorced. She later moved to St George, Utah and there she continued working in banking. 

On July 7, 1992 Leola married Elwin (Pink) Rees in the Jordan River Temple and lived in Salt Lake City and recently in 1997 built a home in Hoytsville, Utah.

She has served in many position in the Church through the years. Primary and Relief Society and in the Young Women MIA program.

Myrna graduated from American Fork High School in 1953 and began working at First Security Bank in Salt Lake City. A business teacher from the high school referred several girls to work at that bank to give them experience. 

On Oct 12, 1953 she married Kale Smith, a son of Clyde and Florence Jeppson Smith. They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple June 24, 1955. They lived in American Fork until Kale was called into the service training in Ft Hood, Texas and later at the Hanford Works in Richland, Washington. They lived in Kennewick, Washington. In 1958 they returned to Utah and lived  again in American Fork. Myrna worked in Provo at Deseret Federal Savings and Loan.

 In 1962 they moved to Salt Lake City, Utah and lived there for ten years and then in 1973 returned to American Fork. Kale worked for Gibbons and Reed Construction Co. as a Superintendent for highway construction until his retirement. Myrna worked again for Deseret Federal Savings and Loan and then from 1973-1999 at Bank of American Fork.

Kale served in the Elders Quorum Presidency in Salt Lake City and American Fork and Counselor in the High Priest Group and Temple Assignment Coordinator. Myrna has served in the Primary in Salt Lake City and American Fork and in the Young Women MIA program and Missionary Coordinator.

Kale and Myrna are the parents of three children: Judie, Marcia and Carol.

Colleen married Frederick Despain Maynes, a son of John Alexander and Sarah Louretta Despain Maynes on Sept 10, 1954 in the Salt Lake Temple. (Fred is a brother of Marna Maynes McGee. and cousin to Ward Despain). Fred and Colleen lived in Salt Lake City and then built a home in Granite, Utah.

 Fred worked at Jordan School District as an electrician and building inspector over construction of new schools.  Through the years he served as Scout Master  Elders Quorum President, Ward Clerk and in the High Priest Leadership. Colleen served as MIA Secretary, Primary, cub scouts, Librarian.

 Fred and Colleen are the parents of five children: Mark, Kurt, Jolene, Kevin and Brent. 

Ross spoke so often of his early life in Missouri and Oklahoma and always had a desire to return there one day.  He was able to realize that desire when Leo and Gladys took him on a trip back to Oklahoma in October 1962 and it was such a thrill to him. They went into Kansas and then to Oklahoma and Ross knew his way. He was only fourteen when he left there but he recognized it. It had been modernized some and he was so thrilled at the thought that he could go out where the old garden was, where they raised melons.  The farm wasn’t little anymore, it was now a fifteen thousand acre cattle ranch but the well they had dug in his youth was still there.  Ross was a great story teller and he enjoyed telling about his life there. He remembered so well the Dalton Brothers, the famous racketeers and told how they would greet them in their fancy saddles.  They gave these brothers watermelon they had raised and he thrilled to tell the story. He remembered the pond they played in but now it was a big lake with a dike. He talked about the ducks and geese they used to hunt there and as they traveled along he seen many ducks and geese and thought what a beautiful sight that was to him. 

 Ross would tell about the missionaries who came to teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ and how they enjoyed being around these Elders and how they got converted to the gospel and about their baptism. 

 He remembered how they just left their home there in Oklahoma and traveled to New Mexico and told how they got into Blanco Canyon and run into the Indians, who were all painted and they would scare people and how they ran out of food and how they had faith in the Lord that they would get through this situation and how they ran into a Mexican sheepherder and how he provided them with flour so they could make bread to eat. 

 Ross remembered moving on to Richfield and Springdale and into St George and the struggles they had through the years. And after moving north to Draper and Granite, how he would always talk of returning to St George again, how he had loved it there and always wanted to go back. 

Ross has enjoyed the closeness of his family through the years and has loved each one very dearly. He was proud of everyone of them. His posterity was eleven children, forty-one grandchildren, one hundred- twenty great grand children and the number of his great great grand-children will continue to grow.

 There is much mention of the lives of his brothers and sisters and his own children and not just a story of himself, but his family was his life whom he loved so much.

 Elise lived with Ross and Elsie through her life time until they had to live at Alpine Care Center and then she lived with Leo and Gladys for several years. She was very devoted and gave much service to her parents.

 Ross’s health continued to fail through the late 60's and 70's and in Nov 1975 was unable to care for himself and for Elsie so they then went to the Alpine Care Center.  Elsie passed away on April 28. 1976 and for the next two years it was very lonely for Ross without his wife. His health became worse and he passed away September 6. 1978.

 Ross was now able to return to St George, Utah where he and Elsie McGee are buried at the St George Cemetery.


Monday, November 2, 2020

The Ross Solon McGee Story: Installment 4

(in the words of Myrna McGee Smith)

In April 1938 Ross McGee and his family moved a few miles north to Granite.  The town of Granite has a lot of history and was a special place to live.

Granite is a story of a land and its people.  Granite is of Rich Pioneer Heritage...

As early as 1859 the land on which Granite Ward is located was used as a camping ground for workers who were cutting rock in Little Cottonwood Canyon to be used for the building of the Salt Lake Temple.  It was soon found that this granite was excellent stone from which to construct this great Mormon Temple.

Solomon Joseph Despain was the first person to homestead Granite.  He homesteaded 160 acres and later sold several acres to different individuals.

It should be noted that most of the people who lived in Granite were related to each other from his line.

Granite was originally called Ragtown because there was no permanent  buildings.  The residents lived in large railroad tents that closely resembled large giant rags.  The town of Granite grew to be a town of considerable importance.  Granite was also known as Temple Rock Quarry.  After forty years of removing granite stone to build the Salt Lake Temple Granite became a recreational paradise as well as a spiritually rooted environment where families could live peacefully and with total commitment to their God.  Granite was fast becoming a very good place to live.

We moved into a home owned by Roland Egbert. Roland was a cousin of Charles Despain’s family. We were good friends of many of the Despains and eventually became related to them through marriage of family members. We were able to live in Roland Egbert’s home for five years just for taking care of the house and the land. This house years earlier was the Granite School. Later the front part was built on. This house had not been lived in for a long time so it was in need of repair and painting, so with the help of Gladys & Leo and Russell and Alice it was fixed up so we could live in it.  The house was a brick home with lots of rooms, the front room had an arch-way making two front rooms but one was made into a bedroom and it had three other bedrooms, a big kitchen and a storage room on the back of the house. It had no bathroom and no running water. 

There was a well outside (called a cistern). We had to draw water out with a bucket out of this spring well. During the summer we kept the cistern full of water by flowing in water from the irrigation ditch. We would fill it in the fall but that generally was not enough to keep it supplied all winter. As a result we had to haul water in 10 gallon milk cans for our water supply. Each spring we would clean out the floor of the cistern so we could start the process over again.  The house was on a large area with fruit trees and a place for a garden and a berry patch and another area of Barnes and a chicken coop. We had a team of horses that us little kids would ride while our Dad walked behind the plow tilling the garden area.

The old Granite Ward holds many memories.  It was on the corner a block down the street from our home. The church was called the White church because of the color of the bricks which were painted white.  There were approximately 150 people in the ward while we lived there.  When we first moved into this Ward in 1938 our first Bishop was Riego S. Hawkins with J. Fred Potter and Charles W Despain as Counselors and S. Peter Peterson was Ward Clerk.  Brother Peterson often said very long prayers and we called him St Peter. 

In 1939 James Whitmore (who was also the school Principal) was called to be Bishop with Elbert Despain and Emerson Hand as Counselors and Joseph W Despain as Ward Clerk. 

We have memories of the many church dinners and get togethers in the basement of the church. Our mother made many quilts and doilies along with others where they held bazaars and other fund raising dinners to help cover the cost for our Ward.

Our mother had a calling in the church as Blazer Teacher and spent a lot of time working with the young boys in our Ward.

After Ross quit working at the Draper Feed Mill, he worked in Granite building rock irrigation ditches.  He built a rock wall on the side of our house to separate the yard from the orchard area.  He was very proud of his rock wall he built and it was there for over fifty years.

We really loved it while we lived in Granite.  Lloyd and LaRaine spent many hours building little roads up through the oak brush and trees where they could drive their go-carts they made out of old wagons or push old car tires up and down the hills and run after them and try to reach them before they would fall over which was a great sport in those days.

There was a time when we drove over to Draper to see Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally when LaRaine and Lloyd were playing with a dog and when we drove back home the dog had followed our car back to Granite, so we had to take it back to Draper to try and find the owner.  Uncle Elias had two dogs that kept getting into his animals so he gave them to the boys. 

 One dog we had was very attached to Lloyd and LaRaine and each day about four o'clock it seemed to know when the bus would be coming and it would run down the road to meet them. All us kids loved that dog but it got in some people's fox or mink farm where they had poison set out and it began to foam at the mouth so Dad had to put it to sleep. Dad buried the dog at the top of the field and it was really a sad day for all of us.

There was a lot of wild cats that hid under the shed except when Dad and Mom were around they would rub against their legs and purr but would run and hide if us kids came around, so we didn't like them very well and if we could catch them we wasn't to nice to them. 

We didn't have running water in the house so it paid off to have a well close to the garage. Myrna was playing like she was a movie star and of course had to roll up paper and play like she was smoking a cigaret until the burning paper burned her fingers and she dropped the burning paper right next to a bottle of gas or oil and it caught the garage on fire.  Lloyd had to run to the well to get water to put out the fire.  Then the waiting for Dad to come home and to have to face him was very hard for her. But he just sat her on his lap and was very kind and told her of the dangers of playing with matches and that she must never do that again. It was a well learned lesson.

Down the street from the church was the Granite Elementary School. It was a two class room school with one teacher, Miss Broadhead who taught first, second and third grades and the Principal Mr. Whitmore who taught the fourth, fifth and six grades.  Most of the students were kind of scared of Mr. Whitmore because he was very strict with them and they knew he meant business. 

There were mountains and hills that surrounded Granite and one such mountain will always be remembered the year of the big fire.

It was thought that Don Peterson, who was the son of Mrs. Weiss who lived on the corner from us had caused it. He had an argument with his step-father and went up on top of the mountain and set the fire. As the time passed the fire got steadily worse and by night it was a full blaze.  Late into the night you could see the flames rolling down the hill side and going across the road as it reached our house and sparks hit the roof.  We had to get out of the house and Dad took his important papers and took them down by the garden and buried his strong box. It was a great relief when the fire was out. 

 The boy, who was thought to be responsible continued to get into trouble and a little later the Weiss home burned to the ground and it was thought by some neighbors that maybe he was the cause of that fire too.  Later in his life he went to jail for car theft. It was then that the Weiss family moved away from Granite. They moved to Delta where they managed a bakery. 

Our families spent a lot of time together, mostly Leo and Gladys and Russell and Alice. Golda lived in New Mexico so we didn't see her very often. 

One year we had a surprise birthday party for Dad that was really fun. Leo and Gladys hid their car up in the field so when he came home he wouldn't know what was going on. Mom had a nice dinner prepared with homemade ice cream for dessert. Us kids played hide and seek out in the sugar cane and we trampled down the stalks in a lot of places.  After Leo and Gladys and Russell and Alice left Dad went out to do his chores and seen what we had done so we were in a lot of trouble.

We also spent a lot of time with the family going to Liberty Park and taking our picnic lunch and riding on the rides and riding on the Ferry Boat around the pond.  We went to Lagoon on occasion which gave us many memories and many good times together.

We became acquainted with the Despain family when we first moved to Granite in 1938. Merland Despain was our paper boy and on occasion his brother Ward would bring the paper (most likely so he could see Irene). In the winter Merland had quit so LaRaine took over the paper route. Ward had a new bike so he gave his old one for LaRaine to use.

One of the memories we have was that of Sunday morning December 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese and it threw the United States into World War II. When we were at school following the attack,it was announced by the President of the United States that there would be a black out. No home or business was to have on any lights on and there was such a feeling of fright. 

In 1941 when Irene was 16 and Ward was 19 years old they started dating in between Ward being away at college and Irene was still in High School. 

With the war going on the gas was rationed and so there wasn't much opportunity for them to go on dates in a car so Ward came to our home for dinner quite often and they would go for walks around Granite. This was usually on Sunday and every time they looked behind them there was five brothers and sisters tagging behind.  This happened quite often and Irene would get so mad at us and wanted us to quit bothering them. But we continued to be the five little pest and kept following behind them. 

Even the night they got engaged Leola was behind the curtain watching the whole thing when Ward gave Irene her engagement ring.

 Ward knew he would soon be called into the service and would have to leave so they decided to make plans for their wedding.  Irene wouldn't graduate from High School until the end of May.  But They knew their future was very uncertain with the war and wanted to get married before he left.

 Charley and Elsie Despain became very special to our family. When Dad worked at the Arms Plant during the war each week-end Mom and the boys would go pick him up. Elsie Despain would come over to our house just to check on us kids and make sure we were alright while we were alone or she would come over and we would just go for walks up through the fields picking wild flowers and visiting with her. 

Ward and Irene were married March 19, 1943 in the Salt Lake Temple. Mom and Charley and Elsie Despain and members of their family went to the Temple to see them get married but Dad wasn't very active in the church at that time so he couldn't go. It must have been hard for him not to be there.  They had a wedding reception at Ward's brother and sister in-law Joseph and Nina Despain's home in Granite. It was a special day for all of us.

Ward and Irene lived in a one room cabin that Ward’s grandfather had built many years earlier. It was used in Logan for Ward to stay in while he went to school.  After they were married Ward hauled it back to Granite for them to live in behind Despain’s home. One day she made a delicious looking lemon pie for Ward and left it setting on the cupboard when LaRaine, who was working for Despains after school was tired and went into the cabin to get a drink of water when he seen that lemon pie and just thought he would take a little piece of it.  When Irene came home she knew exactly who had done it and was she ever mad at him.

Ward was called into the service about two weeks after their marriage. On April 5, 1943 he left with a group of R.O.T.C. friends for Camp Callan, Calif. After his basic training Ward’s group was sent to Logan, Utah to attend a special school and Irene was able to be with him again for about two months and then Ward got his orders to ship out to Officers Training School in North Carolina and wives were not allowed to go so Irene left Logan and returned to Granite and stayed with Despains for six months . War time was a very hard time not knowing when they would be able to be together. Ward got his new assignment to California when Irene was able to be with him but it only lasted for two months. It was so up and down not knowing what was coming next until new orders came and then it was to Georgia and Alabama where they could be with each other again but for only a short time and then the orders came for overseas duty. Irene then returned to Granite and stayed with Despains again. 

A year after Ward entered the Army he became a 2nd Lieutenant and was promoted to 1st Lieutenant during the year he was overseas. After a month on a ship as they crossed the Pacific  Ward arrived in the Philippines and served there for a time and he was then sent to Japan. After serving overseas he was able to return to the States to finish out his service time and Irene was able to be with him until his discharge.

On July 18, 1943 Emerson Hand was called as the new Bishop of the Granite Ward with Elmo Despain and Joseph Despain as Counselors.

 He and his wife Margaret had lived at the Wasatch Resort in Little Cottonwood Canyon just above Granite since 1930. Just six weeks prior to this new calling his wife Margaret died while giving birth to their fourth daughter and left Bishop Hand with an overwhelming responsibility both at home and in the ward. Many wondered how he could possibly take on this responsibility as a Bishop but many came to his aid. 

 One person especially who helped him was Geneva Pingree, a neighbor up in Wasatch.  She became a wonderful source of help to him in the care of his children. A nurse, Genevieve (Geneva) Glen  who had helped his wife Margaret in the hospital before she died later began to date Emerson Hand and a year later in 1944 he married Genevieve and in the four years to follow she gave birth to twin girls and a little later one more girl making seven daughters for the Bishop. 

 During the summer of 1943 Ross had been told that they were hiring at Geneva Steel. In August 1943 Ross bought a home from Cyril Gines and the family loaded all their belongings and moved to American Fork. It was hard for us kids to leave Granite. 


 to be continued:

 The Ross Solon McGee Story.  Installment 3

(in the words of Myrna McGee Smith)

After the family left Crescent they moved just a few miles south to Draper into the Fitzgerald home. Russell milked cows at a dairy there and Leo would come and haul the milk to a creamery in Murray.  Gladys worked for Rasmussens in Sandy and for Alma Smith in Draper doing housework. She stayed at Smiths while she went to school at Jordan High School in Sandy and worked for them after she got home.

Gladys married Leo George Bateman on Oct. 14, 1929 in the Salt Lake Temple. He was the son of George Leo and Milrhea Cushing Bateman. Leo and Gladys lived on a farm in Sandy where they had chickens and fruit trees. Leo was working for a dairy hauling milk at this time.

Golda was working for the Shaws doing housework. She lived in with the Shaw family while she went to school and then worked for them after school.

 After Golda got out of school she went down to Kirtland, New Mexico to live with Uncle Elwood and Aunt Celia.  She can remember how sad Ross was when she left and he had tears in his eyes and Golda cried as she waved good-bye to him as she looked out the back window of Uncle Elwoods truck and waved to him until they were out of sight. 

 Russell followed Golda down to New Mexico and stayed with Uncle Elwood and Aunt Celia for awhile and then he returned back to Draper where he worked for Boyce's on their dairy.  There was one time he almost lost his foot in a farming accident hauling hay.

 Golda met Lloyd Taylor in New Mexico and since her church records were still in Utah Ross had to talk with the Bishop to get a recommend for her to be married in the Temple.  They were married in the Logan Temple Jul. 9, 1930.  They made their home in Kirtland, New Mexico. Lloyd and Golda are the parents of four children: Leo Bryce, who died at birth, Con, Robert and Ravelle.

Lloyd and Golda were later divorced.

 On October 19, 1962 Golda married Ernest LaCell Brammal in Springville, Utah.

They have made their home in Mapelton, Utah.

 It was about this time in 1930 Ross and his family moved across the railroad track and lived in the Walbeck home which only had a frontroom and one bedroom.  Ross and Elsie slept in the frontroom and all the kids slept in the bedroom.

 Colleen was born on July 20, 1930 at the home in Draper.  Elsie had been out picking dewberries that day and then Ross had to go get Dr. Sorenson, who had to come from Riverton.  Elise hurried and got the baby things out of the trunk and then heard Colleen cry and she seen that red hair.  Aunt Sally came down to help dress her and Ross had to bottle the dewberries. 

After Colleen was born Elsie got real sick with what was called Brights disease which had to do with the kidneys and she had blister like sores all over her legs and the Dr said she probably  wouldn't live very long, but she finally got better.

Ross worked for Joe Mickelson on his egg farm where he gathered and washed the eggs that were then sent to the stores to sell. He also worked at the Draper Feed Mill, along with his two teen age sons Lloyd and LaRaine.

Ross built a home in Draper which looked the shape of a chicken coop.This home was across the street and down the road from Jim and Sally Washburn. 

On June 3, 1933 Leola was born in the home at Draper. Leo and Gladys picked out her name.  When she was about seven or eight months old Elise would take her over to see Grandpa McGee.  His health was failing at this time and he would motion for Leola to get her attention and would touch her fingers with love and affection . Grandpa Solon Huff McGee died at the age of 80 on Feb. 3, 1934 when Leola was eight months old and was buried in Draper, Utah.

Elise can recall the many skunks that Grandpa McGee had. He had a bunch of them that he kept in a pen.  They didn't have any scent and were treated like their pets.

On Sept. 30, 1935 Ross and Elsie's sixth child Myrna was born at their home in Draper. A neighbor Mrs. Maxfield asked LaRaine if his Mom had her baby yet and he said "well sure, she's two years old.  This was Leola since he didn't know his mother was going to have another baby. LaRaine walked in and asked what was Rhoda Washburns baby doing here.

Gladys and Leo lived on a farm in Sandy, Utah in a two room house when they had their first baby Randall Leo on June 27, 1932 but he only lived a few hours and died that same day.  On Oct. 23, 1936 they were able to adopt a baby boy they named Bruce Kent. They later moved to Salt Lake City in the Sugar House area. Leo and Gladys were active in their Stratford Ward for many years where Gladys served as Relief Socity President and later the Stake Relief Society President. 

In about 1934 Russell was at a dance with Leo and Gladys where he met Alice Greenwood, a daughter of David Ezra and Sarah Jennet Bishop Greenwood from Sandy Utah. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple Oct. 15, 1937.  They have three children Russell Stamn Jr, Cheryl Ann and Boyd Russell.  Their first child died the day of his birth.

Russell and Alice lived most of their married life in Salt Lake City. They were active in their Kenwood Ward where Russell served as Elders Quorum President and High Priest Group. He and Alice served in many callings there.

Russell died on January 30, 1985 and was buried at Mt View Memorial Estates.

In February of 1938 Ross and Elsie were getting ready to drive into Salt Lake City to go shopping. It was a cold winter day so Ross had built a big fire in the stove to keep the children warm while they were gone.  Irene was thirteen years old and was going to tend the other children. Ross was warming something on the stove to be used to help his car to run when it burst into flames and caught the whole house on fire.  Ross tried very hard to get the fire out and to get what belongings they had out of the house and in the process was burned badly himself.  In a very short time the house was completely destroyed along with most everything else they had. 

Our family moved in with Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally for a short time and then we moved into Uncle Jim's brother Ross Washburn's other home. We all felt a close love for Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally.  They had a chicken farm and we loved the many times we were there, having a lot of fun with our cousins.  We never went to see Uncle Jim's and Aunt Sally's home without her making sure we had something to eat and she always made us feel welcome.

In 1936 Elias and Etta (a younger sister of Ross) left St George and moved to Draper, Utah where he worked for two brothers called Sapp and Sapp running their farm.  It was while Elias worked for them that he fell from a hay stack and broke his back and from then on he wasn’t able to do very much. They lived for a time in Grandpa Solon McGee’s home and later lived in Murray at about 4200 So. 9th East.

There was a time when Lloyd and LaRaine worked for one of the men in Draper. (I think a Mr. Smith) and they received an old bicycle for payment. This was a small two wheeled bike which didn’t have a chain on it and only had one pedal, but it would go if they pushed it, so they would push it up the hill and then ride down. At this time Gladys and Leo were still living in Sandy, which was a few miles from Draper and they decided to go visit them by riding the bike. Gladys remembers that LaRaine had said to Lloyd, “Lets go see Gladys, she might have something good to eat”.  They left without telling our parents where they were going but somehow Gladys let them know where they were.  We didn’t have a telephone, but she must have called the neighbors who transmitted the information.  Later that day Leo and Gladys took them home.

They knew they were in trouble so the instant they got home they ran out into the back yard and started to gather wood. Mom heated water in a tub outside to do the laundry and they thought this might alleviate the punishment that would be forthcoming. It didn’t seem to do very much good, however.

Solon had been going to school in St George and when he was in the 9th grade he came up to Draper and lived with Ross and Elsie again and attended Draper Jr High and was there until Grover and Martina left St George and moved to American Fork, then Solon went back to live with them and attended school at American Fork High School in about 1938. Solon would visit often with Leo and Gladys and with Russell and Alice. He would knock at the door and then Alice would see his face pressed up against the window with a big grin on his face.  Later Grover and Martina moved to Brigham City and operated a bakery for Leo and Gladys for a short time and then they moved to Salt Lake City. They lived at about 5th South and 4th East Salt Lake City and then at Rose Park near North Salt Lake where they lived until they died.