Wednesday, February 5, 2020


For Christmas 2018, Anna and Chris Casey, arranged for me a gift called "Storyworth".. Each week for one year, I received an email prompt to respond to.  The responses were saved and then available to be compiled into a book of the memories that had been recorded. 
Thanks to Anna and Chris!

For me, this was very having a major assignment from school due each and every week during the year. At Thanksgiving, I had completed about 15 or so of 48 till then.  I began a marathon push to finish before the year expired.  I padded some of the stories with lots of pictures.

Then I hit on the idea of including my church talks given over the course of several years.  Many of these talks have snippets of personal experiences woven into the theme.  Even now they are interesting for me and I hope will be read by some of you.

Then finally to finish my project, I added family group sheet information for Anna and Katie covering five generations going back and then also a chapter listing all descendants of Mom and Dad, Marna Maynes and Lloyd McGee. (three generations)  along with my Priesthood lines of authority and pictures from family reunions.

The initial copy included with Anna and Chris's gift has black and white photos inside to be used as a proof copy.  After correction and multiple revisions, the 'final' version was submitted. I obtained 7 copies for myself and my kids with color pictures. For anyone else who might be interested, there is a color PDF version that I will share.
Proof and Final editions