Thursday, February 26, 2009

Next Step!

The next step now is getting the kids sealed.
We are wondering who wants to be here for it,
and for those of you who want to be here when you will be here.
we are thinking about doing it in the Ogden Temple.

Sometime in May, depending on those who want to come and
when you can get here.
If you could let us know that would be great Thanks!


rayecheal said...

I would love to be there! I have to go to DC in the middle of May, but I was planning on coming back to Utah after that. I'm not sure the exact dates, but it would be sometime after the 16th of May.

Catie said...

I want to be there too! Let me know when you decide so we can get a baby sitter.

Frank said...

I want to be there too but with Frank's job having such uncertainty we are needing to be extremely cautious about finances right now. How about coming down and doing it in the Mesa temple????? Hmmm just a thought ;-)