So, I still have not heard from everyone about the reunion. Check out my
previous post and please comment on this one if you haven't already responded. Time is really running out! I don't know what is going on by way of plans since I am not in Utah, but here are the tallys for people:
YES (sorry if I misspell names, I don't see your names enough in writing to remember the correct spelling)
Josh, Catie, and Benjamin
Larry and Katie (?)
Rebecca (?)
Adam, Betsy, and Daniel
Monty, Heidi, Noelle and Carson
NOFrank and Patti
Kleigh, Jenn, and Kleigh Jr.
Michele, Melody, and Andy (?)
MAYBERoss and Cherry
Also, Brittney said that her parents have a lot of things, but we don't have any specific numbers, so we don't know what we still need for those who are coming. Please respond no matter what your answer is, we really need to know!
P.S. I think we will be collecting the money when you get here . . . but I don't really know.
I look forward to seeing those of you who will be there! This may be the last McGee family reunion that I get to go to!