Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Selina Jane Sabine: GGrandmother

Selina Jane Sabine is Mom's grandmother and was born 29th July 1861 in Chippenham, England about 90 miles straight west of London.
Her mother joined the church soon after the first son was born. Selina was the second child. She was baptised when she was 11. Her father joined the Church a few years later. They emmigrated to America where she met her husband, also an English immigrant, John A. Maynes. She was 20 and he was 22 when they married. Later in life, they returned to England as a missionary couple with their youngest daughter Dorothy, and served there at the beginning of World War I, which was also a time of severe persecution for the church in England. Her husband died on their mission at age 55. She returned home and passed away 11 years later, about 5 years before Mom was born.

She received two patriarchal blessings, one before the mission and one soon after her return. Copies are on the Maynes family CD.

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