Robert Peck was born 28 Nov 1548 and died in England in 1593.
Here is an extract from his will:
In the name of God Amen The XXIJ day of March in the year of or
Lord God according to the computation of the church of England
1592 and in the XXXVth yere of the Reigne of or moste gratious sover-
aigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England ffrance and Ire-
lande Quene Defend or of the faith etc. I Robert Peck of Beccles in
the countye of Suffhole of mynd and perfect of Remembrance thanks
be to the maiestye of god therefore Although sick and weake of
body at chemisfforde in the cowntye of Essex at this prsente of a
pluresye not knowinge whither it will please god to take me awaye
here or not, do for the better orderinge and dispocision of such goods
cattels chuttells plate lands tenements and other heriditaments wift
the appertences do make and dispose them as followeth fflrst I
bequeath my sowle to the Infinite mercye of Almightye Gode trustinge
assurealye to be saved by the meritts death and passion of Jesus
christ his dere sonne, and my bodye to be buried where it shall please
god to call me. ...
His will is included in a
book on the genealogy of his son Joseph Peck, the immigrant ancestor of many Peck families.(including ours). This genealogy goes back 20 generations(to about 1126) in England. Joseph emigrated to Massachusetts in 1638 with his family.